Friday, October 3, 2014

The Plastics

Have you been victimized by a mean Christian girl?
I am going to say something from Mean Girls and then translate it to something a Mean Christian Girl would say. You tell me, which is worse?--

"You can't sit with us." 

Translation: "I accidentally moved your bible from the seat that you saved, sorry!"  

"She doesn't even go here!" 

Translation: "She's new? She gave me a dirty look when she walked in. She seems stuck up."

"On Wednesdays we wear PINK."

Translation: "I wish I could pull off short dresses like you, but I'd feel convicted!" 

Which is
A sugar coated back stab doesn't make it  any less painful. If anything, is causes infection; an infection in the heart, oozing pain, anger, and eventually scaring bitterness.

To the person reading this saying, "Yeah, that's why I'm not a Christian" or "That's why I don't go to church." I want to personally apologize, I am so sorry if you have been personally victimized by a mean Christian. Church is a place of sanctuary, rest, a place you should feel uplifted, and loved. That's not always the case. Sometimes it's the opposite; you feel anxious, insecure, and jugged. But I beg you, please don't let a person who is supposed to be Jesus with flesh, turn you from Jesus Himself. 


To the Holy Plastics:

"You can't sit with us"-- Why? Does that person not "click" with you and your friends? Jesus sat with tax collectors and prostitutes. Do you think Jesus "clicked" with the tax collectors and prostitutes?

"She doesn't even go here!"-- Girls, this one is so easy! Just because she's pretty doesn't make her mean. Being pretty is a curse, you have fake friends and enemies without explanation. 

"On Wednesdays we wear PINK"-- You feel someone is dressed inappropriately so instead of telling them, we lie. we give a passive aggressive compliment to her face or we talk about her behind her back! Protect her dignity, air on the side of grace.

This is real. People turn their faces from Jesus because of our plastic faces. 
Stop being a mean girl. Uplift, encourage, be nice. 

 \\The Perfect Little Christian